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Word and Spirit Seminar Synopsis…Continued

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

So Isaac moved away to the Gerar Valley, where he set up their tents and settled down. He reopened the wells his father had dug, which the Philistines had filled in after Abraham’s death. Isaac also restored the names Abraham had given them (Genesis 26:17-18-NLT).

As I mentioned yesterday, I attended a Word and Spirit seminar with Randy Grier on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this past week. Randy Grier is used of God in the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge, as well as discerning of spirits (see 1 Corinthians 12:8-10).

Randy mentioned during the seminar that the Lord has told Him that the power of God is coming in a greater way for to the body of Christ and that now is the time to prepare for it. He said the Lord spoke to Him that those who do not make adjustments in their personal lives by January of 2011 will not be ready for what is coming. He mentioned that right now in there has been a split in the body of Christ, and that many churches and ministers have backed away from the power of God and instead are involved in a seeker sensitive approach to ministry. He said that the Lord told him that these types of ministries would continue to be very popular until 2011.

In 2011, the power of God would be displayed in a way that this generation has not experienced and we must prepare ourselves by spending more time in prayer and in meditation of the Word of God.

He mentioned Genesis 26:17-18 in the context of what is happening now in the body of Christ. With the seeker sensitive approach to ministry, many ministers and churches have forsaken pursuing the moving of the Holy Spirit and instead have a program that appeals to the flesh and the carnal nature. Randy Grier mentioned that the seeker sensitive churches have in many ways forsaken the foundation that their spiritual fathers have laid, and are seeking to do things without the moving and leading of the Holy Spirit. And just as Isaac re-dug the wells of his father Abraham, we too need to re-embrace the spiritual foundations that the Lord has laid for us in previous years in the body of Christ through the men and women of God. Randy Grier said that time is too short to lay a new foundation!

Randy Grier mentioned that demonic forces have been let loosing in our nation in an unprecedented way, and that we must assert our spiritual authority in prayer to push them back and to keep them out of our lives and ministries.

Randy Grier mentioned that we must learn to live by Isaiah 40:28-31, and that we must spend much more time waiting on God so that His Glory and power will manifest. Those who do not will be left out of what God is doing.

Randy Grier mentioned moves of God in the past and how many men of God did not develop the character of Jesus in their lives and were not able to handle the power of God properly. They opened the door the demons in their lives and died prematurely. He reminded us many times of the necessity of developing godly personal character so that we would be ready when God’s power comes in this greater way.

While I was at the meetings this past week, the Lord reminded me of some things He has said to me years ago about the moving of His Spirit and prayer. I have made a personal consecration to spend more time each day in prayer, particularly praying in the spirit. I’ve decided to adjust my personal schedule to provide me uninterrupted time to pray in this manner every day. If you want a different result it often means changing routine to make room for a different emphasis, and that’s what I’ve determined to do in order to be prepared to fully obey God in the coming months.

I encourage you to set aside extra time to pray and seek God, and let’s together pursue God’s best for this time preceding Jesus’ return!

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