Until the time that His word came to pass, the word of the LORD tested him. (Psalm 105:19) Most often there is a period of time between the time you exercise your faith and the manifestation of the answer. And it’s what you do in this in between period that determines whether or not the answer comes. The above verse refers to Joseph. In a dream the Lord showed him that he was going to be a ruler and lead his family. He was 17 years old when the dream occurred. He was 30 when the dream was fulfilled. In between time he was sold as a slave, assumed dead by his father, and imprisoned due to false accusation. Joseph never allowed his attitude to sour when the pressure of circumstance was against him. He took one day at a time and expected God to fulfill His dream even though the prospects of it really happening were dim! The test for us begins when we make the choice to stand on God’s word for our healing, or for the financial need to be met, or for the circumstance to change. If we give in to the pressure to complain or quit, we may hinder and even nullify God’s promise. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in the Amplified translation gives is a an excellent reminder to keep our chin up when the pressure’s on. Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus … Make a choice today to look beyond your problem to the promise of God’s word. Choose to be thankful in the midst of the test. God never changes and always does what He says. See you challenges today as another opportunity for God to show His faithfulness to you. He will not let you down!
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