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Sunday Ministry in Vijayawada

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

I preached on Sunday the 25th in a local church on the grounds of the orphanage that the couple we support oversee. The orphanage has the attention given like a dry sponge abosrbs water.

There were approximately 75 to 100 in the service. Church service is held on top of the building under a canopy. The operative word for the atmosphere is HOT!

I preached on the great love the Father has for us, and how he has promised to be with us and to deliver us from trials and hard places in life. They drank the word in like a cool glass of water. Most of the people in India live on less than $2.00 per day, and live in unimaginable conditions. Dirty water, polluted air, cooking over an open fire outside, or in their shabby kitchen, houses with tin or grass roofs and dirty floors. Life is rustic and hard. The Indians are industrious people, and they work from sunup to sundown. God’s word ministered life to them.

Testimony time during the service revealed many who had beed saved, healed and delivered from demons over the last few weeks. A young mother testified of her freedom in Christ after having been a Hindu all her life. Another woman testified of being freed from demon power that bound her during years of idol worship; her mind and body tormented day after day. She cried asd she spoke of her newfound freedom. Another lady who was an evangelist testified of fear that left her during the pastor’s conference as she heard the word of God about her authority in Christ. Demons frequently manifest as she ministers to people and she said she felt new boldness to to minister to the oppressed without fear of personal harm.

The service concluded as the Lord gave me the Word of Knowledge of many who were being healed. The Holy Spirit permeated the atmosphere as the poeple responded to God’s healing love. Many were healed and touched.

Sunday night we held another evangelistic crusade in a village on the outskirts of town. It was way off the beaten path.One lane roads turning into dirt paths, all surrounded by open fields. Small houses with tin and grass roofs. Everthing has a layer of dust on it. Oxen feed in each person’s yard. The women are busy preparing for the evening meal. Men are just coming out of the fields after a long, hot day. Music can be heard blaring from a loud speaker located in an open place in the center of the small village where the meeting will be held. Mats made of reed and some on woven fabric cover the ground giving the people a place to sit during the service. A lonely light bulb dimly lights the area.

Bruce McDonald ministered a powerful salvation message to the crowd of maybe 100, and I guess 20 plus gave their lives to Jesus. I was hard to count.

Bruce then prayed for the sick, and many came up to testify of God’s healing power. One lady was healed of blindness on one eye, another said she had a vision while Bruce prayed and the Lord came to her and took something out of her. She said she knew she was healed. Several testified of being healed of varying ailments.

We prayed for many, many people after the service. Many wanted prayer for healing; other wanted prayer for God’s will in their lives as they pursued God’s will in ministry. Several families of pastors who attended wanted prayer for God’s will in their lives to be fulfilled. All were blessed!

We have one more village crusade tonight. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow!

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