We had a prophecy spoken during our 1st service on January 23rd, 2011. According to 1 Corinthians 14:3, But one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them. Prophecy, if it is truly inspired by the Holy Spirit, will always agree with scripture, and will strength, encourage, and comfort. I believe this “word” does just that, so I offer it for your spiritual uplifting: For before there was an earth, and before there was a sun, and before there was a universe, I AM THAT I AM. And I am the Changeless One. The times and seasons are in My hands. You are in My hands. And this is the day for Me to display My sovereigness. This is the day for My people to see My greatness. Things will change. Things that many have trusted in for a long time will change. I am the Changeless One. And you are in My family, and My covering is upon you. My covenant is with you. My spirit is in you. My angels surround you. If you could only see what I see, you would see myriads of holy ones assisting those who know me. In the days to come, they’ll be with you in every moment, and you’ll recognize – “How could that be done by me? How could that be accomplished for my family?” And you’ll see My hand will be upon you for good. Don’t be discouraged or even upset when things occur that My Word has said will happen. Just know that invisibly I’m there. And behind the scenes I’m working everything together for My good, to those that love Me and are called according to My purpose. I’m working things for My glory and for your good. So don’t be sad but rejoice that you live in this day. For you will see me sooner than you know.
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