I was not able to access my blog until now. It’s Thursday here in Addis. It’s around 6:00 AM and I’ll be leaving for southern Ethiopia at 8:00 AM my time (1:00 AM your time). Please agree with Bruce and me for safe travel there. The roads are interesting; pedestrians, animals, rickshaws, motorcycles, donkeys, horses, large trucks, vans, cars, and bicycles make for an interesting trip along with gargantuan pot holes!
We should arrive in Yirgecheffe by late afternoon. This is in the mountains and is a beautiful place. Please agree with us for effective ministry with the pastors there. They are so hungry for hungry word, and will listen for hours.
Please agree with us for a great move of the Spirit during our evangelistic services on Saturday and Sunday. Last time we were there, armed guards kept us from preaching, but all of that is straightened out now, and we should have no problems. There will be thousands there, so believe with me for conviction of sin, and for the Holy Spirit to minister in His awesome healing presence. They have dire needs.
I may not be in touch again until next Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope to make contact with Bruce’s satellite phone before Sunday and Pastor Mike will give you an update then.
I’ll have plenty of pictures to show you when I get back!
And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word through the accompanying signs (Mark 16:20).