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Writer's picturemitchhorton

Include In Your Today What You Want Tomorrow To Be!

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease (Genesis 8:22).

Seedtime and harvest is a universal law of God on earth and in the kingdom of God. Everyday, with every act, we are planting seeds that will produce a harvest! The harvest is determined by the seeds that are planted.

What kind of harvest are you expecting in the various areas of your life? Look at the seeds currently being planted by your words, thoughts, attitudes, and actions! Tomorrow’s health, material well being, relational stability, spiritual stamina, etc., are determined by what you sow today. You just don’t get something for nothing!

For years now, I have practiced including in my today what I want in my tomorrow’s. In my future I want a strong robust faith, and a strong heart fellowship with Jesus. For that to happen, I must read and pray and pour my heart out to God in obedience today.

In my tomorrows, I want a deep friendship and love for my wife Susan. So today I sow times of talking and doing things together with her. I show my love by words and actions.

In my tomorrows I want a close relationship with my four children and their spouses. So when they were young and in my home, I spent time with them, doing things together and talking so that when they got married and moved away we would still communicate regularly and have a heart relationship.

In my tomorrow’s I want to have a strong mind and healthy emotions, so today I will sow plenty of reading and meditating into my life. I will practice clear thinking and take time to be quiet and ponder the things I value in life. I will include variety in my thinking by reading on a variety of subjects so that my minds stays balanced and alert.

Today I will take the time to forgive and grieve over emotional hurt and pain received from others, so that in my tomorrows I will not be cynical, sour and bitter over what has happened in my past. I want my emotions tomorrow to be free from past regrets and hurts. I do not want my tomorrows to be filled with emotional baggage from today’s pains.

In my tomorrow’s I want to be healthy and honor God with my physical body. So today I will exercise, eat in a healthy way, and I will speak life over my body. I will say what God says about my life and body today so that as I age the seeds of health will grow into a harvest of longevity.

In my todays I simply sow the positive seeds for my tomorrows. So I ask myself each day, what am I doing to plan for a good tomorrow?

Give and it will be given to you: good measure pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you (Luke 6:38). This law is as stable as the rising and setting of the sun. Cooperate with it, and you’ll have a life of blessing. Work against it, and misery will keep you company!

Paul said it this way: Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

Let’s sow seeds today that will benefit the kingdom of God, and that will bring blessing to others and to our own lives. Sow time in the Word and in prayer today. Sow words that bless, heal, inspire, quicken, and mend. Sow attitudes that will glorify God and exalt Jesus. Sow actions that will produce health and plenty. You’re casting seed today with every action, every choice, and every word. Make it count!

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