There is absolutely no place like home. If you have a family, you are a very wealthy person. The things that really matter in life are 1) my relationship with Jesus, 2) my relationship with my spouse, 3) my relationship with my children, 4) my relationship with my church. Being away for 15 days really made me see afresh what is really valuable and important in my life. To have a relationship with Jesus that is passionate, close, engaging, and in real time will take you through the most difficult and trying experiences life in a fallen world my bring. He really is a very present help in time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). To have people that really love you and care about you is more important than any amount of money or any personal possessions. I’d rather live in a cave and be surrounded by relationships of loving concern and care, than to have a lavish lifestyle filled with loneliness. God wants us to prosper as our souls prosper. The blessing of the Lord make rich and adds no sorrow with it! It’s wonderful to be blessed, don’t misunderstand, but just keep all of life in proper perspective, and keep life in proper balance. Sometimes we all get so busy that we miss what is really important, our relationships. To have children that you are close to is a wealthy thing. Someone said love is spelled TIME. I’m looking forward to making up for the time I lost with my kids in the next few days. To have a church family that really cares about you and your life is also a wealthy thing. Your church family can be closer than your blood relatives to you. Some people find it hard to open up to others because of past experiences that have brought emotional pain. They erect walls of isolation and self-protection to keep pain away. When that happens, they also isolate themselves from the very kinds of relationships that heal; close loving, unconditional, and real relationships where you can be yourself, and where you experience the joy of closeness. Everyone needs this. And this should be what local church life includes as well as the rich ministry of the Word. Examine your priorities with the list in the first paragraph above. Where are you living right now? Life is about relationships with God and others. They are eternal, and are the only things that we take with us into the next life!
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