I was reminded again yesterday of the importance of committing ourselves and our family’s protection to the Lord every single day. After we finished our seminar on Saturday, I took Ron McIntosh back to the hotel and had just gone back to church to pick up my daughter Lindsay and a friend. Just a brief distance from the church we had an accident. A car ran a stop sign! We are all fine, and my car will be repaired (thank God for insurance). But it reminded me that every morning I thank God for His protection over me and my family, everywhere we are and everywhere we go! Sometimes it seems that the enemy snips at us like a little dog barking and running up to you trying to bite at your heels. Thank God for the Blood of Jesus! It will never lose its power as the old hymn goes. We over come by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony! And we have the promise that the angels of the Lord encamp around us and deliver us. Hebrews tells us that the ministering spirits minister to us as heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14). Psalm 103:20 mentions that the angels of God act as we speak the Word of God! I encourage you to never let up in your prayer and faith life. Be consistent! And I encourage you to commit you and your family to the Lord everyday, specifically asking and thanking the Father for His protection, and thanking Him for the angels of God that surround each member of your family every day (mention them by name), everywhere you are, and everywhere you go! We are promised supernatural protection from harm!
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