We just returned today from the end of civilization! We’re glad to be back on the road home. We’re now in Arba Minch again, and I’m in the Neanderthal Interent Cafe. Just kidding! It’s just real backwoods and slow! It’s now 6:40 PM Monday night here in Arba Minch.
We traveled to the town of Weyto on Friday and spent the night. Saturday morning we had a building dedication at our church in Weyto. The pictures will tell it all. Only 5 people in the church of 70 can read.I preached a basic message on the Father’s care and then prayed for the people. They wore very little and are decorated in their tribal fare. They danced before the Lord in their own way, thanking Him for loving them and caring for them. It was a real moving time.
Later on Friday morning, we went to another one of our churches in Weyto. They meet under a clump of trees in the middle of a field. They were excited for us to be there. Larry preached to them, and then prayed for them. They were very glad to see us. We need to build a building for them to meet in soon!
Saturday afternoon we drove to Jinka. We stayed there for the night, and got up Sunday and traveled to the Mursi tribe. They live in little huts, and don’t wear much at all! I’ll have to find a way to doctor up the pictures so you can see them. These are the people who wear plates in their lips. We will start a church there in September. Bruce and Meberatu are going back with a tent and supplies to stay for several days and evangelize. We have permission from the authorities to do this, and Meberatu is excited about it. We will find a pastor for them and that will be church # 11 in Ethiopia.
Sunday afternoon, we drove back to the hotel in Jinka after visiting the Mursi folk, and then Larry, Meberatu, and I went to another church we have in Jinka. They also meet in a field, and had been waiting for us all day. We got there around 4 PM and met them in a field. This church is in the Bano village. The pastor’s name is Adamu. He is one excited guy. About 100 men were present. We encouraged them and prayed for. They were so humble. they got on their knees on the ground as we prayed. They want us to come back! This is another place where we need to build a building for them. they meet in an open field near their village.
I could keep going here, but I must close for now. we drive to Adillo tomorrow (Tuesday) and will dedicate yet another building we have built there. then we will drive to Sheshamane for rest. On Wednesday, we arrive back in Addis Ababa to clean up, rest, and get ready for our 26 hour trip home. Thank you for praying for us. We can tell. Your prayers and faith have helped us.
My pastors heart is aching to see all of our church family again. I’m called to pastor, not to be a missionary. I can go, but I miss you all the whole time I’m gone! I’ll see you on Sunday, and hope to blog again on Wednesday in Addis!