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Ministry Gifts

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12). The body is Christ is made up of many members with varied functions, gifts, skills, and talents. Every member of the body of Christ is necessary, and should seek to fulfill their God given mandate. The verse above lists the “five fold ministry gifts” as we call them. These gifts are specifically set in the body of Christ to help each member mature and to enable each member to function in their calling. Today ,Festus Nsoha is our guest speaker at Victory Fellowship. He functions in the ministry office of an Apostle and a Prophet. The Lord has gifted him with the ability to establish churches and to work in difficult, unreached areas. This is the work of an Apostle. The Word of Knowledge, the Word of Wisdom, the Gift of Faith, the Working of Miracles, and the Gifts of Healings operate through Him as the Holy Spirit wills. These spiritual gifts correspond to the apostle’s ministry as well as to the ministry of the prophet. Every few weeks we have a guest speaker at Victory Fellowship because I believe that our church body needs exposure to the various ministry anointings in the body of Christ. I don’t have all the ministry anointings as pastor. I only have what God has given me. And I’m comfortable with my own skin. I’m glad to give my pulpit to men and women of God who have a message and a ministry anointing, and a proven track record. Let’s believe God for His best as He ministers to us through the ministry offices that He has set in the church!

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