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It’s Time to Pray!

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18). Persistent prayer is a necessity of our day. With the world rapidly approaching the time we call the tribulation period, and with the souls of men at stake, we must take our prayer responsibility. With sin, crime, and lawlessness abounding, it should drive us to our knees. Realize that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the forces of the enemy seeking to push back any advancement of the kingdom of God on earth! Prayer in the form of intercession in other tongues is a powerful weapon in the hands of a believer. That’s the reason the enemy seeks to keep us busy; so we’ll think that we just don’t have time to pray. And if we push away the prayer burden, the enemy wins and he knows that. Begin now to see busyness that intrudes into your prayer time as the enemy seeking to get you to lay your weapons down! We have been delivered from Satan’s authority, and have been given authority over him by the Lord Jesus. Begin today to take your authority and pray for our national leaders, from the president right on down to local government. Pray that godly men and women would fill these offices. Pray for corruption to be rooted out of government, and pray for the saints of God to have boldness to rise up and take a stand against lawlessness. Pray that conviction of sin would rise in the hearts of men and women, and that the ministry of reconciliation would come to the forefront in the body of Christ; each believer receiving boldness to share their faith in the Son of God with others.

This is an in your face day and we need to do some bold in your face praying if we’re going to usher in the move of God that will bring change! Let’s pray and ask for a revival in our land. That means a rise of conviction and repentance; it means us laying down our wishes and plans for a higher purpose, the kingdom of God. Make a dedication today to spend a minimum of an hour a day before the throne of God. Pray with your understanding. Pray with your spirit. Believe God to do the impossible. The kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force!

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