And they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Revelation 12:11). I had an auto accident in 1995 after an early morning church prayer meeting. Neither I nor the other person involved were injured. I had the unusual experience the night before of becoming wide awake every hour on the hour. Having no idea why I was so awake each hour, I simply prayed a while each time, and drifted off to sleep. After the accident, I called my parents who told me my father was awakened the morning before the accident with a dream that someone told him I was dead. He was so troubled by the dream that he prayed for me throughout that day. This and other past incidents showed me that the enemy would love to harm me or a member of my family and I went on the offensive. Ever single day since then I have prayed over my family when I first awaken: Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my family; Jonathan, Sarah, Jessica, Lindsay, Susan, and me. Everywhere we are and everywhere we go, I thank You that we are protected by the angels of God. “Pleading the Blood” is an old Pentecostal way of saying that you assert all of the rights and privileges that belong to you in Christ. We overcome by the blood! And the angels of God also protect us from harm according to Psalm 91. Don’t wait for a near miss to wake you up. Begin today to assert your rights in Christ for protection over your family.
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