The Father’s Covenant names reveal His attitude towards us. Jehovah means the self-existent One Who reveals Himself. In His Jehovah names, God reveals His covenant care for His own. I mentioned Jehovah Jireh the Lord our provider yesterday. He has promised to take great care of us as we trust and obey Him. I also mentioned Jehovah Raah the Lord our Shepherd. We are in His care as sheep are watched by the careful eye of a wise shepherd.
Jehovah Nissi (Genesis 17:15) means the Lord our banner and refers to the Father as our strength and victory in tough circumstances. He is the One who provides the promised victory in every test and difficult battle that life brings our way.
Jehovah Tsidkenu (Jeremiah 23:5-6) refers to the Father as the Lord our righteousness. When you feel guilty and condemned because of present failure or by remembrance of your past, keep in mind that the Father has given you the same standing before Him that His Son Jesus has! You’ve been made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). Our sins have not just been covered, but they have been completely obliterated. The legal term is expunged! Every record of our wrongdoing in the library of heaven has been destroyed. So when you miss it, confess your sin. He is faithful and just. You are righteous in His sight.
Jehovah Rapha (Exodus 15:26) means the Lord our healer or the Lord who heals. When you are attacked by sickness or disease, reach up in faith to your covenant God and appropriate faith for Him to heal you completely. He is faithful that promised. Believe that you receive healing for your body the moment symptoms appear. He forgive all of our sins, and heals all of our diseases (Psalm 103:3).
Jehovah Shalom means the Lord our Peace. Happiness comes from happenings, our surrounding circumstances. But peace come from within. Your world can be falling apart around you yet the peace of God can buoy you up and help you in the crisis moment. Peace with God is available through the forgiveness that Jesus offers by His blood. The peace of God is ours as we walk in obedience and honor the precious Holy Spirit in our lives.
Jehovah Shammah means the Lord is present. This is the presence of God that floods our lives when the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us. We are never alone. When loneliness rises up in you, remind yourself that the Lord is present. He has promised that He will never leave or forsake His own. He is not a feeling. He is a Spirit. He’s still around when you feel nothing.
Our God never changes. What he was, He is! Take advantage of the covenant names of God in your daily life. See Him as your victory in tough times, your righteousness when you feel guilty, your healer when the enemy attacks with sickness, your peace in times of turmoil, and the Ever Present One when you feel alone. He’s just the best!